The defects that appeared are also confirmed and admitted by Apple and of course, they claim that they are working to solve them. So if you were thinking about buying the new iPhone 14, you must read these defects before making your decision.
Defects that appear are defined below :
1 . Camera Shaking :-
Users have reported that while using third party apps , they have experienced a buzzing sound in the camera which is effecting thier snaps , reels & videos.
2 . iMessage & Facetime :-
Apple have addressed this issue in thier documents that users might face issues during face time and not be able to recieve iMessages , the recipients might see your messages coming from the wrong account .
The most unfortunate side effect of relying on iMessage for high-quality texting is that when iMessage breaks, you end up falling back to SMS (the green bubbles), a years-old standard that has not kept up with modern messaging expectations. Tim Cook seems to think the solution to green bubble problems is buying an iPhone, but apparently, that doesn’t include the newest iPhones.
Before getting panicked over having to send a green bubble like the Android plebs, you should know that Apple has fixed the problem with iOS version 16.0.2, which dropped fewdays back. iOS 16.0.2 includes a few bug fixes for the new iPhones 14's.